Wet-bulb temperature – from traditional psychrometers to a modern humidity control variable 2023-12-15
In the new readings, T1 was still showing the room’s dry-bulb temperature, while T2 was now measuring the wet-bulb temperature, meaning that the effect of evaporation on the temperature was more than 6 °C (40.8 °F). The difference between these temperatures indicates the amount of humidity in the environment; the higher the humidity in the room, the lower the difference between the wet-bulb and dr
How to choose the right instrument for measuring humidity and dew point 2023-12-15
Humidity measurement and control is called for in a wide variety of industrial applications. Each application has a different set of requirements for humidity instruments, such as required measurement range, tolerance to extreme temperature and pressure conditions, ability to recover from condensation, ability to operate in hazardous environments, and options for installation and calibration. Ther
Carbon dioxide monitoring – the essential secret ingredient in the food chain 2023-12-15
From the crispness of our apples and the fizz in our drinks to the sustainability of agriculture and the safety of workers, carbon dioxide, or CO2, is an essential part of the food chain. And anywhere CO2 is used it needs to be monitored using accurate sensors to ensure levels are neither too high nor too low. Let’s take a look at some of the places along the food chain where CO2 is monitored and
Spot-checking measurements of environmental conditions 2023-12-15
Field spot-checking is a common way to determine the measurement accuracy of a fixed measurement instrument between calibration intervals. However, it is important to understand that spot-checking is different from field calibration. In this blog we will briefly go over some of the differences. Spot-checking and field calibration are similar in that they both use a reference standard to verify the
How to enhance your city climate resilience with local weather and air quality observations 2023-12-15
What exactly is city climate resilience, and how do you know whether your city is prepared to deal with the changing climate? Today we explore what resilience really means and how to improve your community’s level of preparedness — no matter what size or environmental challenges you may have.
Oxygen Measurement in Natural Gas 2023-12-15
Oxygen has many properties. It is vital to sustain life, essential for the environment, supports combustion and acts as a catalyst in many industrial and biological reactions and processes. Yet, when it comes to processing and transporting natural gas, oxygen is considered to be an unwanted and potentially dangerous contaminant.
Unraveling the Pros and Cons: Wired vs. Wireless Data Loggers 2023-12-15
In a world driven by data, where precision and accuracy are paramount, the role of data loggers has become increasingly significant. Whether you're managing complex industrial processes, researching environmental changes, or simply curious about tracking specific parameters, data loggers are the unsung heroes of the data collection world.
How to Use Moisture Analyzers to Improve CCR Efficiency 2023-12-15
The precise measurement and control of moisture, using advanced moisture analyzers, is critical for the efficient operation of continuous catalytic reforming processes. Systems without online moisture analyzers will almost certainly underperform. In particular, the failure to maintain precise trace levels of moisture will degrade the performance of the catalyst and create acidic vapors, acid dew
New accessories for gas chromatographs from LDetek prevent column degradation and control gas supply 2023-12-15
Users of the LDetek range of industrial gas chromatographs and online impurities analyzers will benefit from increased control of their gas supply as well as prevent column degradation with the latest accessories that are now available. Designed by LDetek’s engineers the new accessories are designed specifically to work with analyzers and gas chromatographs such as the MultiDetek2.
British company Alphasense 2022-11-21
Alphasense is a professional manufacturer of high quality gas sensors and has been recognized by many customers around the world. We supply quality oxygen sensors, toxic gas sensors and combustible gas sensors to many world renowned OEM manufacturers.
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